Communications Coordinator Interview

Introduction – 5 minutes

 You will be asked questions about your training, your career path, your interests, and your skills. To keep track of our discussions, we will take notes during the interview. A question period will be scheduled at the end of the meeting to allow you, if necessary, to obtain additional information. This interview could last about an hour. Throughout the interview, please don't hesitate to ask for clarification if necessary.

Conclusion – 5 minutes

  • Ask if there are any questions

  • Explain that they should receive a positive or negative answer by Friday at noon

  • Request the candidate to sign the referral authorization form

Written Exercise – 30 minutes

Prepare a Facebook post for one of the following events:

-        Reminder of a public meeting of the committee of your choice

-        Announce the departure of a member of our Board of Directors

-        Promote of one of the solid waste department programs

The publication must be written in both official languages (either as one publication or as two separate). You are free to use the software of your choice to create your publication.

When completed, send the document by email to and indicate which software was used in the body of the email.