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OUR services include:

  • Issuing building and development permits.

  • Inspection of new development, buildings, and construction.

  • Development and administration of Municipal and Rural Plans and of Zoning, Subdivision, and Building By-laws.

  • By-law administration and enforcement.

  • Processing land use applications and approving subdivisions. 

  • Providing planning, building, and development support and advice to the general public, community stakeholders, the Planning Review and Adjustment Committee, various provincial departments, and the Minister of Environment & Local Government.

The powers and responsibilities of the Greater Miramichi Regional Service Commission with respect to land use planning and building services are outlined under the Regional Service Delivery Act (Sections 24 & 25) and the Community Planning Act. Currently, the GMRSC provides land use planning and building services to the City of Miramichi and Village of Blackville. In the unincorporated areas, building and subdivision services are provided.